Monday 14 September 2015

"OMG NIGERIANS!! What are you doing with my son???!"

I need tell you what happened to me!
So lately,I have been through one proper emotional shock. 
I was in Europe 2 months after I delivered my child ,my husband went back after 2 weeks because of work. Even thou having a child is the most beautiful blessing anyone can receive,it wasn't easy adapting to this entirely new situation that I found myself in. 
Naturally ,while I was in Europe,I developed my own ways to handle totally new chapter of my life and honestly I could not wait to go back to Nigeria to be with my husband again.Wow,was so excited. But then.....
I swear I just finished one very chaotic episode of my life. First of all,I never knew I was going to miss my mom this much. Whole my life I have been living in different parts of the world and,normally,I always missed her in a way,but it was nothing really dramatic. Guys,this time,the pain in my heart I felt was literally like someone,God forbid,died. After me becoming mother,I have finally got to understand her soooo well which made me soooo attached to her. My love for her was on another level! For two most precious

months of my life she was there for me,helping in the best possible way and it was just so difficult for me to leave.
So I came to Nigeria already kind of heartbroken to now understand that - the way people here take care of a baby was totally different then everyyyythinggg  I was taught. From bathing,holding,carrying,to the way they put babies to sleep etc. Normally,there should be nothing dramatic about that-totally expectable,right?
But add wilding hormones,drastic change of environment,two different continents,different lifestyles,electricity issues,limited movements,lack of social life and the end,I was so emotionally attached to the everything I learnt from my mother that it was so painful seeing my child being handled in any other way. So silly right? At some point I was feeling so depressed that I was sure I was about to go crazy lol
I guess I have been through so much changes at ones that it was hard for me to adapt and what even made it worse is the fact I always had feeling like nobody understands what Im going through because nothing concrete happened to put me into that kind of terrible mood.
Well,one week after-here I am. Writing you with huge smile on my face and yes,I didn't go crazy,still got my common sense (well,at least I think so lol). Depression is chased away,gratitude and joy are back!
Now I see how blessed I am to be influenced by so many different cultures,it gives you priceless life experience and wisdom ,and I am so happy my son have privilege to take the best from both amazing different sides and traditions. Cultural differences can only show you that there could be a million different ways of doing one thing,and  none of them are wrong!
We are all different,yet we are all the same and each culture is beautiful in their own way! Love and embrace your own but free your mind  enough to learn from others as well!
Differences are blessing to humans kind!


  1. Thank you sonia for this glad to know that I am not the only one going through this. I feel the same way when I go home to Nigeria especially been used to my American way of life. Different people and different cultures here. Same gows for Nigeria bit they are still so different so i understand exactly how you feel. Do you have a dating website or company?? I need to help my mom find someone who could deserve someone with a nuturing, loving and hardwprking spirit like her so together they can be a powerful force of love like you and your husband.

  2. Ooh Sonia I can feel u. Even though I am an African and live in Europe, so as I was the one to take care of my daughter since birth till I visited Africa, almost everything is done differently. They even started to tell me that my daughter will have issue in walking imagine! But it's good to have both sides because in Europe they can also make u go crazy with their maniacs.

  3. I love how u ended this,lessons everywhere. Thank u for sharing ...ur child is in good hands😅

  4. Very well written. Thank you.
