Friday 18 September 2015

Before is too late!!!!!

Drop your phones. Leave Instagrams and SnapChats for a second . Look around you. 
Sometimes I feel sad because it seems like us,human kind,takes so much for granted.
We started dealing with a real life mechanically,while all our focus and attention is on whole another dimension. 
You eat,drink,hang out,chill,communicate by staring at your phones. We spend hours  doing idiotic ridiculousness in front if our cameras. 
We started taking humans around us for granted in the name of people that pop out from our phone screens. We get so busy "following" lives of people we have nothing to do with forgetting that our magical moments are passing as we are becoming strangers with ones we love the most without knowing that these people are not always going to be there,by our sides.
Leave your phone for a second. Admire your food. Take deep breath.Enjoy your drink. Make eye contact. Smile. Hug . Kiss. Laugh. Make someone happy.
Don't forget purpose of our existence and what life is all about.


  1. Hello,I don't know if you get my email. Though am not sure if I get the right email address.

  2. This is just what I needed to read. God bless u Sonia

  3. Your really good at blogging! I wanna do it as well. How do u begin?

  4. Your really good at blogging! I wanna do it as well. How do u begin?
